These are my views on what is going on in the world

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Women are doing great... just stop complaining

My Opinion

If your not going for the same jobs as men, then don't complain about getting paid less than they do.

It is still true that more men are going into math and science than women are. Because of this they are able to get higher paying jobs.

While many complain that women are still not receiving the same pay as men, we cannot deny that many women are still going for jobs that pay less, like teaching. Honestly I think most of the men in this world have come to accept the fact that women will be working and earning money.

Actually I think more men are coming to expect that the women they date and or marry will be helping to pay the bills. I think it is important for men to respect women and their right to earn money, but I’m tired of hearing everyone complain about how women earn less money.

If men are being paid more because of the types of jobs they have and women want to be paid the same amount, then apply for the jobs that men have. Because not as many women are going for those types of jobs, then it makes sense that they are not being paid as much.

We also need to consider the fact that there are still many women staying home to be better mothers to their children. They have jobs that pay nothing but a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Women! we are doing great things and we are finally on equal ground with men... but we need to stop complaining about the facts, change comes through action not words, so if you don't like it, do something about it.

Opinion 2

A while back, I was visiting a college in Connecticut where most of the students were the first in their families ever to go beyond high school. I was talking with a group of young men and women, and I asked the men how many of them felt it was very important that their future wife be a good earner.

All of them raised their hands.

1 comment:

  1. Just a capital problem on:
    "Women! we are doing great things! we are finally on equal ground with men..."
