These are my views on what is going on in the world

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Let the people fight for their freedom

My Opinion

Moammar Gadhafi, the leader of Libya, says that his people love him. Gadhafi said, “they [his people] will die to protect me.” Gadhafi also denied that there were demonstrations against him in Libya.

Dillusional much? The demonstrations are on television and the U.S. is actually getting ready to help if they are needed. So why is the U.S. just waiting and not acting? Because we need to let the people of Libya earn their freedom.

Many of us in the U.S. appreciate the freedoms we have and I believe we appreciate them more because we fought for them. Our history is full of the struggles and fights that we fought to earn the freedoms we have.

I think it is good that the U.S. has warships nearby to help if they are needed but even the people have said that they do not need help yet. “Our brothers in Tripoli say: ‘We are fine so far, we do not need help.’ If they ask for help we are ready to move,” said General Ahmed el-Gatrani one of the most senior figures in the army in Benghazi which no longer swears allegiance to Gaddafi. According to Christian Amanpour.

They know we are near to help if they need it but the people have said that they want to work for their freedom on their own for now.

Opinion 2

Progressive people are in sympathy with what they see as a popular movement in Libya. We can help such a movement most by supporting its just demands while rejecting imperialist intervention, in whatever form it may take. It is the people of Libya who must decide their future.

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